My Soul Story


I grew up in Southern California - where I still reside....and I'm blessed to be part of a family of siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents who live life close-up-and-personal-as-a group. The support of my family has sustained me through some really hard times of transition, sadness, and doubt along the way- in particular my sweet momma and sister- and I'm more grateful than I can probably properly tell you that they are my touchstones. If you've ever experienced hard times where you weren't sure how to go on (and haven't we all?), then you know exactly what they mean to me. They ARE examples of LOVE to me, and I thank goodness for their support as I walk forward on my Soul Work path....

I've had a "normal" and very fortunate path. No horrible trauma (aside from the divorce of my parents at age 6). Most of the land mines that I've experienced along the way have been self made ( isn't that usually the case?). These “mis-steps” and miseries are all a part of growth… the way that we learn about ourselves and the world- and I certainly have had my share. Now at age 58, I look back and see all the gifts of my path- I was a good student with lots of friends and a supportive single-mom-run family in a nice middle class neighborhood in a small beach town (all bonuses that I am forever grateful for!). The town was full of families like ours. We didn't have extravagant things, but we had what we needed. I felt safe. I graduated from college, worked on a career, married a man that I loved, and we began to build a family of our own. 


so a "normal” life… right? and I might add... a blessed one too!


The truth for me- in the ways that I framed my place in my world (in my 20’s and 30’s)- was that I was losing myself. Over time I found that the “shoulds” and the “must haves” and the “to dos” became "me". Slow and steady-like... I lost track of the voice inside me. Over time that place inside me that I had ignored began to ache... slow and deep... as I gradually all but abandoned the Seeker in me.

And i know- I was doing nothing special here... I did what most “busy” Moms and Dads do. I loved my family. I made it through each day "tending" to my very busy household and a demanding career in management and Human Resources at a real estate firm. I wouldn't have chosen to do anything differently. I just kept going. My “To Dos” required more and more of my focus & energy as the family grew too, and I kept up... (for the most part).

Losing track of one's inner voice does take a toll, and relationships suffer as a result. Very unfortunately, we experienced a painful divorce that came to pass after many years of struggle and hurt. Once the divorce was upon me, I went into survival mode and fear, followed by another decade of recovery work on myself as a Co-dependent woman.

Ok so now I was in my 40s and a single mom of three. And so what did I do? I just kept on truckin'- giving the days and months my best effort. I adored my kids and loved them to the fullest. I made it through the nearly debilitating fears that accompanied my divorce- and began to recover a bit of my insides and TO FEEL MY OWN FEELINGS AGAIN - thanks to the 12 steps of AlAnon **(I have to pause here for a very special thank you to AlAnon and the many souls who held the space for me to grow in those days- you know that you brought me back to life!)**

With the shock of divorce lessening, my days were full of family love; recovery work; a busy job; kids activities and the years just flew by... 

Pretty darn "Normal" right?  I know that many of you have similar stories, so I know that you'll feel me when I say- the kids really DO grow up so fast! 

During these years, while reconnecting to my inner voice- I realized how fast time was passing. I felt it in my bones.

I made an important, life changing decision and I adopted a new mantra:


i will do everything in my power to be present for

the moments that matter


I embraced AlAnon and as I worked through my recovery from co-dependency, I saw glimmers of the Seeker in me return. I reconnected with spirit and began to work toward a deeper awareness and a renewed trust in my intuition (this was the beginnings of Soul Work!).

I noticed that the ache inside lessened as I moved through the 12 step process. Sponsoring others, I discovered my natural strength as a "soul nurturer." I embodied a calm presence for others as they did their work to find their way home to themselves and out of their pain.

As I worked alongside the kind souls of AlAnon, my work in my business naturally moved more and more along the lines of holding space for others as well. My HR functions, training, mediation, and management duties all begin to be more "soul based counsel" as I found my innate strengths in this area. Over time, I realized that my ability to be present, to offer compassionate and calming energy, and to hold space for people to find their own heart and soul-based solutions and next steps is my Superpower! So cool- and so rewarding!!!!! 

i am moving forward into myself...

As life would have it: This is the calm before my next storm...

It is a good thing that I'm feeling strong and centered when the sh** hits the fan... My 25 year job/career suddenly evaporates as our Company is sold (which was a TOTALLY UNEXPECTED big shocker in my world!). So- I went back to fear immediately...hmmm a job change? Now???????? With a house and family to support?

As always, with any big change, there was drama. There was chaos. There was that old familiar feeling of fear- and-of-life-taking over...and me just hanging on.

In my panic- I knew a few things:

  • I knew that I had business skills to transition into another, similar full time position.

  • I knew also that I had the life skills to keep my over busy family moving in all of their varied activities.

  • I also knew that I had a calendar that was full of "to dos" to cross off everyday... but the activities and priorities on it no longer resembled the life I was meant to lead. Especially without the job that I thought- until then- partially defined who I was.....Have you ever felt this way?

  • I knew something had to change. I knew that everything had to change.

  • I needed to find a path back to what matters.

My soul was calling me deeper- to go into stillness and to pause and reflect before choosing my next steps. I made huge efforts to put the "drama" of change aside. I asked for help. I honored the seeker in me and I reached out for mentors and life practices that could help me to further release my "shoulds", to face my fears, and to return myself to the heart and soul of what matters most to me.  


it took the time to heal … to connect to and to trust my inner wisdom


I gave myself time to develop my skills. Learned that I was in a clutter and stress cycle and that my living and work environment was a key to my ease and joy. I began to make intentional moves and to CLEAR SPACE for new ways of living. I DID THE WORK, layer by layer- to shed the belongings and emotions that weighed heavy on me- draining me energetically and spiritually. The commitment to my own needs, and to the creative process of refining the spaces that I live and work in have transformed my life.

I now lovingly call this process my Soul Work…It will be lifelong… it is why we are here. To Re-Connect to ourselves and to be present for the moments and the people we treasure.

and this, my beautiful friend , is where you come in…

Soul Work, and the daily practice of the path, has allowed me to transition into more vital well being, and into living my passion. I made the bold decision to move into coaching full time and trained and prepared for the next steps so that I may be of service to YOU. Working with women experiencing their own chapters in life has brought into focus that so many are like me… when life is over scheduled we feel overwhelmed. Our surroundings then become overwhelmed as well. Clutter and disarray eats at the energy we experience- and stress cycles become a way of life for us. We suffer in this state. We want relief. Order. Ease. Flow.

we crave spaciousness and beauty in our living spaces.

My Coaching has morphed over time. The focus of Soul Work is now on Embracing our Spaciousness- Home, Heart and Soul.

Services Include: * Space Clearing & Organizing Coaching * Wallpapering Installation: to add beauty, texture and color to our living areas (an old passion of mine)* Custom Family Legacy package services: Honoring keepsakes, photos and more in a way that they may be displayed and shared in the present.

Each service is he experience of sharing this work with clients fills my heart. It is my honor and my joy to witness the light that occurs as clients re-connect to what matters most to them.

So this is how I arrived at my DEDICATED COMMITMENT TO SERVING YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY… it’s what lights my way each and every day.


the pursuit of soul work is a gift that you give to yourself!


This work will bring you home to the voice inside you (your Soul), back to connection with Spirit, and to your own KNOWING what really matters to you- so that you can live from that place.

P.S.- If you read this far- I am humbled...Thank you and bless you... may my story of "Normal" spark an inquiry in you.... If you're seeking a path to your soul... I'm here for you... to support you in creating YOUR OWN Spacious life.

Love and Light to you and yours- Laura Lynn